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First gloves received

It sounded so easy on paper - we start with the gloves. Easy-peasy, right? From day 1 we promised ourselves that we will be crazy about riders, and we will run an extra mile to provide them with best quality stuff that actually works. It was obvious we cannot just produce gloves. We need to develop the ultimate product, that will fill the ultimate needs. Racing gloves, riding gloves, freestyle gloves - so many different needs, so many different hands :)) We settled on freestyle gloves, because these are needed by both pro-riders as well as absolute newbies, can fit both street and skatepark, indoor and outdoor. 

And then The Grand Hand Measurement has begun!

This is when we experienced what is number 1 sin of the startup bible - ' shall not underestimate the complexity of any task/project'. After many, sometimes very awkward, hand measurements of our friends, family, neighbors, skatepark folks and also random strangers, and after many resistance tests we settled for the final design.

We had to change suppliers and adjust fabrics a few times - our BMX gloves just had to feel like a second skin, breath, and give an excellent grip. Our goal was to give a rider the glove that he can forget about. So no velcro, no spreading stitches, no weird friction on your skin if you fall down. (yes, we have personally tested the 'falling down' friction as well. It did hurt a bit, but gave us confidence that product is ready for you).

Plus fingertips that can address even most severe case of FOMO. It would be crazy if you would have to take of your gloves every time you want to change the song, right? 

And here is the bonus track for the biology fans - if you are curious how the dissected glove looks like - we have checked as well;)

Now the ball is with you - try them out and share your experience!